MMA Pound For Pound
MMA Pound For Pound is a new seo contest from promojunkie webmaster forum. this “MMA Pound For Pound“ contest to promote their another forum MMA Forum (mixed martial arts forum). why promojunkie forum choose mma pound for pound for keyword seo contest ? you can find the answer by join with their forum. There, you will have the details for MMA pound for pound seo contest discussion. you can fight with keyword to involve your site on google search engine rankings. in mma pound for pound seo contest you can fight like a fighters in the rings. many people love it, including me. this mma pound for pound like a game battle, you can join and play the game with your skill and your tactic to win the battle. are you interest ? simple you just join to mma pound for pound ( mixed martial arts forum) seo contest on promojunkie MMA Forum. remember you can only submit one entry URL in this battle, multiple entries are not allowed. you can’t use keyword mma pound for pound on your domain name (the full keyword phrase can not be part of the main domain) only sub directory or subdomain can use the keyword ( sub-page, sub-domain or directory path). you can use an existing domain however the entry url/page submitted must be brand new with no back links and no cached versions. (your enty page can not be older than 12-18-2009). so your entry post or page must be really new 🙂 . You are allowed to use white hat seo tactics, no cloaking and/or hidden text or other black hat tactics. last, The contest MMA pound for pound starts on December 18, 2009 and ends on March 18, 2010. now if you’re really want to fight on this seo contest you must register your entry site on promojunkie forum.
a little story About “MMA mixed martial arts”
mma (mixed martial arts) is a full contact combat sport that allows a wide variety of fighting techniques, from a mixture of martial arts traditions and non-traditions, to be used in competitions. The rules allow the use of striking and grappling techniques, both while standing and on the ground. Such competitions allow martial artists of different backgrounds to compete. source here . you can guess correctly, mma (mixed martial arts) is which one extreme sport such as kick boxing, kungfu, tae kwondo, karate, jiu jitsu, etc. and each country have mma (mixed martial arts) different with the other. may be pencak silat from indonesia can be categorized in this. but i don’t know may be i’m wrong 😀 , cause i like sport like this, mma pound for pound can be choose if you like extreme sport, and this sport need courage strength so much. so enjoy your mma pound for pound.